Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self." -- The Bhagavad Gita
200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training

This Yoga Alliance Certified teacher training will help you deepen your own practice and grow into a Yoga teacher that is able to lead a group or an individual seeker on the Yogic path from a place of a well-rounded knowledge of Yoga fundamentals, daily Yoga living, and inner wisdom. Your training, daily Yoga practice and personal experience will help you skillfully address and assist the individuality and the uniqueness of each student.
This is a healing yoga teacher training program in Batavia, IL. In an intimate group setting, you will be exposed to the transformational aspects of the practice while developing a deeper connection and understanding of your highest potential and a realization of your authentic Self. This training relies heavily on ancient wisdom from the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and Hatha Yoga Pradipika by Swami Swatmarama. These provide the structure of authentic essential teachings in Yoga science, theory and philosophy.
Karen Weber E-RYT 500, C-IAYT Yoga Therapist, LMT has been teaching since 2002 with 1500+ hours of Yoga training and over 14,000 teaching hours. Her intention is to enrich your understanding and widen your perspective. She offers the wealth of her teacher's knowledge through her unique and effective methodology. Mentors from previous training are a large part of this program. They provide additional, personalized support and encouragement. Group projects and community building adds richness to your experience, linking you with life-long co-workers and friends. Practical, applicable, hands-on experience and early encouragement of teaching allow for quicker integration and confidence.
We just can't say enough! It's an incredible training experience.
NEW FALL PROGRAM DATES!!! Fall 2025 - Spring 2026
*Optional on-line Zoom available as needed
Dates: Oct 1st, 2025 - May 13th, 2026
Anatomy Training Classes included!
Days/times: Wednesdays from 9 am - 3 pm
Location: The Garaj-Mahal Studios -270 Ozier Dr. Batavia, IL
The Garaj Mahal Studios


Fox Valley’s Yoga Teacher Training has been training teachers since 2014

What makes our training unique:
Our Training is Rooted in an Ancient Lineage: Living lineage refers to an unbroken, direct line of teacher to student instruction through a process called Parampara. This important relationship provides us with the means to recognize and utilize the tools that support our highest good. This level of time-tested, pristine guidance is a rare find and a huge blessing.
A Deep Well of Knowledge: Our program covers, history, foundational Ayurveda, Koshas, Yama, Niyama, Asana, teaching skills, adjustments, Pranayama, Bandha, Mudra, Chakras, Vayus, meditation, Mantra, Sutras, Hatha Yoga Pradipika, business and ethics and so much more.
Yoga For Healing: This Hatha Yoga program provides a practical foundation for safe and effective sequencing and yoga as a healing practice. Krishnamacharya is often referred to as the father of Yoga Therapy. Our program uniquely combines the work of his students, son TKV Desikachar who focused on teaching to the individual, BKS Iyengar for correct alignment and Patabhi Jois’s Astanga and Vinyasa flow.
Yoga for Awakening: Our program is rooted in the Himalayan Sri Vidya lineage. My teacher Yogarupa Rod Stryker of Parayoga and his teacher Pandit Rajmani Tigunait (head of the Himalayan Institute) have passed down teachings and practices that when purposefully applied, lead you to your highest expression. Though these teaching are woven throughout both of our programs, these more subtle, sublime, energetic, and meditative techniques help us reach far beyond the foundation into greater mental, emotional and spiritual freedom.
Experienced Owner and Original Curriculum: Karen Weber-Manz E-RYT 500, YACEP, C-IAYT Yoga Therapist, LMT & Certified Ayurvedic Educator, has been teaching Yoga in the Chicagoland since 2002 acquiring over 14,000 hours of teaching experience. She wrote the curriculum after 10 years of intense study with top teachers, including the lineages mentioned above. Her reputation is well-known for having a depth of knowledge, dedication and impact. She leads with a heartfelt sincerity for spreading the message of Yoga with integrity.
Establishing Your Personal Practice: As part of the program our teachers receive a private practice personally developed for their specific needs. This provides you with a dependable, daily practice that in turn helps you serve the greater community from a place of fullness.
Mentor-Student Relationships and Supportive Community: Once you have graduated you can come back at any time and repeat the program at no cost. In exchange you will be the mentor for that program. This incredible opportunity helps you deepen your knowledge while providing an important service to new students. Mentors are experienced guides that can become life-long friends. Our trainings build this supportive community through our Alumni page, small group Seva projects and private alumni classes.
Above and Beyond Yoga Alliance Requirements: Yoga Alliance is an overseeing governing body that attempts to uphold basic standards for Yoga Teachers and Schools. As a YA school, we choose to go far beyond their standards. 200 hours merely reflects our in-person contact hours. The 500 hour program introduces the deeper practices to be personally applied and then skillfully and safely incorporated into your classes.
Adjust and Modify to Reach a Variety of Students: We train you how to meet your students where they are and how to safely and skillfully guide them toward greater possibilities. We understand that there is a wide range of shapes, sizes and capabilities. Adjustments and modifications allow everyone to participate at their comfort level.
Professional Anatomy and Physiology: We are dedicated to the importance of anatomy and physiology. Included in the program is an outside A & P teacher who brings their specialized knowledge to you, also going above and beyond the required hours of Yoga Alliance.
Our Training is Top Notch: Fox Valley Yoga Teacher Training receives the highest marks for quality and overall satisfaction through the Yoga Alliance Website with an NPC score of 5 Stars. Our graduates rave about their experience for being both personally transformational and effective. Employers love our teachers for their knowledge, responsibility and integrity.

reading list
Mandatory Reading:
The Heart of Yoga - TKV Desikachar
Hatha Yoga Pradipika - Swami Muktibodhananda
A Light on Yoga - BKS Iengar
How Yoga Works - Geshe Michael Roach
Seven Spiritual Laws of Success - Deepak Chopra
Anatomy of Hatha Yoga - David Coulter
Suggested Reading:
Yoga and Ayurveda - Dr. Frawley
A Light on Pranayama - BKS Iengar
Prana and Pranayama (Prana Vidya) - Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati
Asana, Pranayama, Mudra, Bandha - Swami Satyananda Saraswati
Four Chapters on Freedom - Swami Satyananda Saraswati
The Language of Yoga - Nicoli Bachman
The Fire of Love - Aadil Palkivala
The Four Desires - Rod Stryker
Netter's Anatomy Coloring Book
The Key Muscles of Yoga - Ray Long
Sanskrit Glosary of Yogic Terms - Bihar School of Yoga
The Practice of the Yoga Sutra (2 books) Samadhi Pada and Sadhana Pada - Pandit Rajmani Tiguniat
Yoga Unveiled - Pandit Rajmani Tiguniat

topics covered
Yoga Sutras – bringing clarity to perception
Hatha Yoga Pradipika – ancient authority on Hatha Yoga
Definitions of Yoga – understanding Yoga’s vast range
Qualities of a Yogi – successful behavior
History & Paths of Yoga – timelines & traditions of Yoga
Human Anatomy – the microcosm of the macrocosm
The Kosha Model – 5 layers of the individual
Ayurveda – living in right relationship
Asana – postures that transform
Adjustments – gentle guidance
Teaching Skills – safe instructions for students
Shatkarmas – cleansing actions
Pranayama – power of the breath
Prana Vayus – using the flow of energy to heal
The Chakra System – a psychological map to the body
Vinyasa Krama – intelligent sequencing
Dharana/Dhyana – how to practice meditation
Patanjali’s 8-limbs – a systematic method
Mantra – the most powerful tool in Yoga
Ethics – guidelines to follow
Business – support your passion

program cost
Total Cost: $3500 - $200 deposit to hold your spot is applied to your total
Payment Option 1: $3,500 in full (if past early bird date)
Payment Option 2: $200 deposit for registration / application (applied toward total tuition) holds your space for the training plus 7 payments of $500 due for 7 months beginning the first month of the training. For example: Oct 1st, Nov 1st, Dec 1st, Jan 1st, Feb 1st, Mar 1st and final payment due Apr 1st. (additional payment plans available upon request and based on individual needs).
Refund Policy: $200 deposit is non-refundable unless you are not accepted into the training or the training is unexpectedly canceled. If you seek a refund request it must be submitted in writing. A full refund will be given (minus the $200) after the first week, 75% (minus the $200) after the 2nd week and 50% (minus the $200) after the 3rd week and no refunds available after that.
We accept cash, check, Paypal, Chase pay or all credit cards. Returned checks will be subject to a $50 return fee. All credit card payments and Paypal will be charged a 3% transaction fee. Refunds for credit card payments subject to an additional 3% fee. Late Payments: Student will not be allowed in training classes until balance is brought current. Any hours missed due to late payments must be made-up at the student’s cost.
*** Books are not included in tuition fees